Meet Amy.
Your new virtual fitness coach.
I am deeply passionate about helping others realize that they are more than capable of achieving the goals they set for themselves.
Where it began
I began my quest into the fitness realm as quite the youngster. How young, …you might ask? Well… let’s just say single digits type-of-young. I found fitness at such a young age first and foremost as an outlet. Therefore, instead of focusing on the negative aspects of that and all it entailed, I decided to focus on bettering myself through health and fitness. I took on the attitude of “I’ll show you!!!” and it colorfully blossomed from there. However, the fitness came first, the health and nutrition aspect came later. So, do not go thinking that I had it all figured out by the age of 10, because I assure you it took me YEARS to reach the pinnacle that I have forged today. Like I mentioned, fitness became my escape and the one thing that I could control in life. From there it morphed for me like Linda Carter into Wonder Woman or for you fellas, much like Clark Kent when he enters that phone booth. You get my point, I hope you do, but if not, google is a great tool for you present-day youngsters to utilize.
Life began for me in the good ol’ bible belt down south where just about everything is fried, covered, buttered, and smothered with delicious southern goodness. I enjoyed growing up in the South as well as being surrounded by decadent southern food. Fortunately, I was very active as a child and even into my teenage years. I was sort of always able to outwork everything I ate. I noticed a shift in my weight and body composition once I stopped summer athletic camps, grueling afterschool practices, and sports. At this point in time, I sort of intuitively knew I needed to pay closer attention to what I was fueling my body with. This is when I became interested in both training and nutrition as a pair. I learned that you cannot be consistently successful without the two in balance and harmony so to speak.

Getting Serious
Fast forward a few years, I became interested in the science behind the cellular processes within the human body relating to nutrition. While in college, I became a certified personal trainer. I studied Exercise Science and was also intrigued by the medical field. My concern for health and nutrition prompted me to join my local gym. I trained as hard as I could, which caught the eye of several trainers in the gym. They all approached me one day by casually mentioning that I should register for the NPC South Carolina State Competition (which was only 6 short weeks away at the time). Long story short, I entered the contest in May of 2003 and placed 2nd which qualified me for Nationals. At this point, I had the bug, the itch, and I was ready for more! This led me to find another contest in North Carolina. I was even further intrigued because this organization (The INBF/WNBF) utilized a drug test prior to entry. I had no idea that I would win this contest and become a professional athlete. Being crowned the overall figure winner in the INBF just further lit my fire! I was excited and eager to learn as much as I could, not only to help myself, but also to help others on their fitness journeys. From here, I ended up being invited to compete in the World Natural Body Building Federation’s World Title in New York City where I placed 4th in the world during my pro debut. Then, in 2004 the very first bikini class was introduced on the WNBF World Stage which I entered and won! I became the very first overall World Bikini Champion (which I did not even realize at the time). I competed numerous times after that, consistently placing in the top 3 until 2008, only taking time off to give birth.
Pregnancy was extremely grueling on my body. I ended up on bedrest and getting back in to shape post pregnancy was anything but easy. However, I was determined to compete again. I decided along with my personal training certification to become certified in Group Exercise & Fitness through the IFA. I began teaching a class a few short weeks after giving birth. I was completely out of shape, but I gladly put my headset on and announced to the class, “hey, most of you ladies are in better shape than I am, so when I get out of breath and go silent, just follow along!” They all giggled, and week by week I began to regain my physique. I gained much rapport with the students in my classes as they watched me take my own advice week after week and witnessed my body changing consistently. Gaining confidence and rapport with my students and gym members prompted me to make my way back to the stage. This time, in November of 2010, my new baby was now 15 months old when I won my very first overall WNBF Figure World Title. In attendance that day, I had 50 supporters that consisted of clients, students from my classes, family, and friends. To say it was an epic or once in a lifetime experience would be an understatement! I won this very same title yet again in 2012. These once in a lifetime experiences have happened a total of 3 times for me. That just goes to show you with the proper education, will, drive, consistency, and support, you can achieve anything you set your mind to

The A Team
Over the course of the years, not only have I had great success within my career in the fitness industry, I have also been able to guide others with theirs. I have worked with numerous clients from helping them achieve their personal health and fitness goals in weight loss, nutrition, and self-esteem. I have also had the pleasure of assisting many of my clients in earning their pro cards in various federations. I am deeply passionate about helping others realize that they are more than capable of achieving the goals they set for themselves.